On the 16th and 17th of August, the heartbeat of the WordPress community in East Africa will pulsate from one place – iHub Nairobi. We are thrilled to invite you to WordCamp Nairobi 2023!

For two invigorating days, WordPress enthusiasts from around the world will converge for a unique blend of informative sessions, collaborative discussions, and unrivaled networking opportunities. Whether you’re a blogger, business owner, designer, developer, or just an aficionado of WordPress, this event is for you!

Discover. Engage. Create : Immerse yourself in the world of WordPress with presentations and workshops led by renowned experts from across the globe.

Venue: iHub Nairobi

Our event will be held at iHub Nairobi, one of the premier tech hubs in Africa. We are proud to be a part of the vibrant, innovative spirit that iHub Nairobi embodies. With state-of-the-art facilities and a collaborative atmosphere, it is the perfect venue for our community to connect, learn, and innovate together.

Our past experiences at the WordCamp have been fun. You don’t want to miss this one…

🔥 WordCamp is a vibrant gathering of WordPress enthusiasts, tech wizards, and creative minds like yourself, all under one virtual roof. Whether you’re a blogger, designer, developer, or business owner, WordCamp is THE event to supercharge your skills and fuel your digital ambitions!

🎉 Immerse yourself in a two-day journey of knowledge sharing, interactive workshops, and inspiring sessions delivered by industry experts. Unleash the full potential of WordPress as you dive deep into cutting-edge techniques, best practices, and the latest trends in web design, development, and content creation.

WordCamp Nairobi is over. Check out the next edition!